Saturday, August 26, 2017

My thrilled experience

Thrilled Pokemon GO

        Yesterday, my friends and I had an exciting moment playing Pokemon GO in Sanam Chandra Palace. Around 3.30 p.m., My friends and I decided to go to Sanam Chandra Palace for playing Pokemon GO because there’re many kinds of Pokemon there. When we reached there, we didn’t wait for anything, we started our mission. But when we entered the gate, the security guards told us that “Playing Pokemon GO is not allowed here”, so, that shocked us because we came here to play it. However, we still continued our mission. When I was playing, I had to look around and beware of the guards who were checking around. It seemed like we were robbers who tried to steal something. After that, when we noticed that there’s a guard was staring to us, hence, we pretended to walk and look around like we were just the people who came here for taking a sight around Sanam Chandra Palace. That’s very excited and thrilled. After we got many kinds of Pokemon, we went back to our dormitory. I confidently say that this is the most excited and thrilled moment ever.

Sittichai   Meepiwhom   Sec.58/10   584102026


  1. You don't split an introduction and conclusion again. I'll give you 7 points.

  2. Even this paragraph is so long, I still like it. Because you wrote the introduction very good and the conclusion is similar the introduction. I give u 9.5 points.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Your paragraph is great. But you don't have introduction. I'll give you 8 point.

  5. I can remember that moment! Anyway, your introduction is great. I'll give you 9 points.
